1530 Augsburg Drive • Hilltown, PA 18927


Post: Announcements

Moravian style putz  – The Putz will be open for visiting from Nov. 30 thru Dec. 29, Saturdays 2:00-4:00 p.m. and Sundays 10:00-11:30 a.m. Free, light refreshments will be served. We will also have a craft for children to make.

What is a Christmas Putz?     The Putz (rhyming with foots), rooted in the Moravian tradition, is a depiction of the story of Jesus’ birth. It is more than a nativity scene. It is the Gospel in miniature form from Mary’s annunciation to the visits of the Shepherds and Wise Men to the flight into Egypt to save baby Jesus from King Herod’s murderous soldiers. It tells the story of the Nativity through music and small illuminated scenes nestled among moss, rocks, sand, and driftwood.

Memorial Committee input:  
The Memorial Committee is actively seeking input from the St. Peter’s congregation on where we can most effectively use some of St. Peter’s Memorial funds. For this quarter of 2024, we have decided to focus on organizations that help the homeless, food banks and other groups that provide assistance with life’s basic needs which many of us take for granted. With the cooler weather coming quickly, now is the time these organizations need to stock up on supplies and funds to handle the influx of clients they will see shortly. We often think of the homeless residents in Philadelphia and other large metropolitan areas but there are homeless people living in tents in Hilltown and our surrounding area. We also have people who struggle to provide three square meals a day for them and their families.