1530 Augsburg Drive • Hilltown, PA 18927


Post: Announcements

Upcoming dates and events

4H Plant Sale
The 4H club that meets at St. Peter’s is selling flats of flowers, hanging baskets, 4 pack veggies, single herbs, and strawberry roots bunch. The list of available items and order forms are on the bulletin board outside Dorcas Hall. Sales support the future learning opportunities of 4H kids.

Memorial Committee input:  
The Memorial Committee is actively seeking input from the St. Peter’s congregation on where we can most effectively use some of St. Peter’s Memorial funds. Each quarter the Memorial Committee will offer a general area of interest, such as The Environment, First Responders/ Military, Animal Shelters, etc. We will then ask for the congregation’s specific suggestions on where the donations from St. Peter’s may best be used. As always, we would welcome requests for the use of Memorial Funds outside of the quarterly areas of interest. The committee will then view and explore the requests for recommendation to the Council. Thank you.