Congregational picnic, Sunday, September 8 after the outside Service of that day. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided. Other dishes and desserts will be potluck from the congregation.
Blessing of Animals, first Sunday of October. Find your pet’s favorite photo and have it ready for submission.
A Muhlenberg liturgy will be given in October. The date is to be announced. Details to follow.
For the holiday season, a Moravian style putz will be created and displayed from Thanksgiving to the New Year. Donations of material and nativity scene pieces will be sought. Details will be in the August newsletter.
“Garden abundance – Give & Take”
The Fellowship Committee announces a new program for the Summer. Are you a gardener with an abundance of produce? Let’s share it! Every Sunday from July thru September, bring in your excess garden delights to the dedicated table in Dorcus Hall and exchange with others-Give & Take. Any unwanted leftovers will be dropped off at a local food bank. An Alternate volunteer will be needed who can drop off the excess bounty when I am not there. Everything we have belongs to God. We are called upon to share our gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
Memorial Committee input:
The Memorial Committee is actively seeking input from the St. Peter’s congregation on where we can most effectively use some of St. Peter’s Memorial funds. For this quarter of 2024, we have decided to focus on animals, shelters and rescue organizations. Many of these groups operate on shoestring budgets based largely on donations and we have the ability to help these stewards of God’s creatures. As always, we look at each request for Memorial Funds and appropriately vet (no pun intended) the organization who will receive the funds to determine if their funds go to the work of the organization or to salaries of executives or advertising campaigns. We will then ask for the congregation’s specific suggestions on where the donations from St. Peter’s may best be used. As always, we would welcome requests for the use of Memorial Funds outside of the quarterly areas of interest. The committee will then view and explore the requests for recommendation to the Council. Thank you.